Matt Brooks has been appointed to the position of Director of U.S. Relations. Matt will continue to serve as the State Chair of Tennessee.
The F8 Bench Invitational on July 20, 2024, in Shippenville, PA was a one-of-a-kind bench only meet. Each lifter completed benches in S-PLY, M-PLY, and Unlimited. Tony Carlino was the overall winner setting two “All-Time” World Records with a 900 lb. S-PLY and 1,155 lb. unlimited bench in the Pro Equipped 275 lb. category. IPA President Fred Fischer set an “All-Time” World Record with a 520 lb. bench unlimited category, 70-74 Master, 275 lb. class.
There are several individuals within the IPA who believe there is a “start” command for the squat. Please note that there is NO START COMMAND FOR THE SQUAT IN THE IPA.
Chris Smith has been selected as our State Chair for Indiana. Chris has been competing in several federations since 1999. In addition to being an outstanding lifter, Chris has served as a referee with the USPA and APF. He is also a gym owner and Gulf War Veteran. Welcome, Chris!!
News Flash!! LIVESTREAM of the IPA Nationals/PA States will be on Facebook. The meet will begin at approximately 9:30 am on both Saturday and Sunday, November 18-19, 2023. The link is posted under IPA POWER NEWS.
Attention all teenage lifters. Effective with this year’s IPA Worlds, teenagers will not be able to register as professionals. Teens can only register as amateurs. IPA Executive Committee