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LEFT: A 2185 lb. total and a 705 lb. bench press won Vincent Cooke (234.5 lb. bodyweight) two Best Lifter Awards in the Professional Men’s Heavyweight full power division and the Professional Men’s Open Bench division. Impressively, Vinny took an 807.5 lb. bench for a ride twice nearly locking out each time.
RIGHT: Georgia’s own Tom Bowman (262 lbs. and 54 years) inched past an existing hard earned IPA squat record rewriting the books with an 807.5 lb. squat. Tom was the last guy on the platform breaking another record with a 700 lb. dead lift.
BELOW LEFT: Switching gears from bodybuilding, Nicole Miller proved she’s as accomplished as a powerlifter breaking all the IPA records in the unequipped 198 lb. Raw Women’s Open division with a 350 lb. squat, 260 lb. bench and a 395 lb. dead lift earning her the Amateur Women’s Best Lifter Award. BELOW RIGHT: Robert Thompson (248 lbs. bodyweight) left a distinctive mark on the Raw Amateur Men’s 275 lb. Teen (16-17) division erasing all the existing records with a 455 lb. squat, 390 lb. bench press, and a 600 lb. dead lift. |
ABOVE: Mark Van Alstyne is one of the IPA’s notable lifters who rarely compete without a stellar performance. At 195 lbs. bodyweight and 43 years, Mark pressed out a huge 575 lb. record bench press. |
ABOVE: John Mattei (275 lbs. and 56 years) won the Professional Men’s Master Best Lifter Award with four new IPA records; 705 lb. squat, 560 lb. bench, 605 lb. dead lift for an 1870 lb. total. | |