The 2022 IPA Worlds will be held in Kingwood, Texas on May 13th and 14th in conjunction with the “Baddest Bencher on the Planet” event.
The IPA has approved the use of band shirts for competitions. By definition all records, unless noted otherwise, will be sent to Open Powerlifting under the category of unlimited.
We are proud to announce that two “All-Time” World Records were recently broken in the bench press at the IPA Strength Spectacular held in York on June 26th and 27th. Rob Forell benched 930 lbs. in the 220 lb. class. Jimmy Kolb benched 1,120 in a single-ply shirt. It is the most weight benched in the history of powerlifting regardless of weight class. Jimmy lifted in the 308 lb. class.
The IPA comes to California via State Chairman Scot Mendelson. His meet titled “IPA The Beginning” is scheduled for June 26, 2021. The first event will be held at Mendy’s Gym in Van Nuys, CA. We expect there to be a considerable demand for this event and encourage all lifters to send in their entry forms early.
IPA – Tiny Meeker “Baddest Bencher on the Planet” contest 3/20/2021 – Will Barotti at 1,091 lbs. won and is the “Baddest Bencher on the Planet” for 2021. Tony Carlino placed second with a lift of 1,085 lbs. and sets an All-Time World Record weighing only 266 lbs. Placing third was Jimmy Kolb with a lift of 1,080 lbs. in a single ply shirt for another All-Time World Record. Fourth was Rich Putman with a lift of 1,020 lbs. IPA President presented the winners with their checks: Barotti $10,000, Carlino $5,000, Kolb $3,000, and Putnam $1,000.
For the first time in the history of powerlifting, 9 of the best all time benchers in the world will be competing head to head in the “Baddest Bencher on the Planet.” This epic event will be part of the IPA Push/Pull Worlds. It will be hosted by Tiny Meeker and sponsored by Fischer Financial Services, Inc. Be there to witness history in the making at the Nathaniel Center in Kingwood, Texas on March 20, 2021.