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So far Tom Baldwin has created 53 blog entries.

The F8 Bench Invitational on July 20, 2024, in Shippenville, PA was a one-of-a-kind bench only meet. Each lifter completed benches in S-PLY, M-PLY, and Unlimited. Tony Carlino was the overall winner setting two “All-Time” World Records with a 900 lb. S-PLY and 1,155 lb. unlimited bench in the Pro Equipped 275 lb. category. IPA President Fred Fischer set an “All-Time” World Record with a 520 lb. bench unlimited category, 70-74 Master, 275 lb. class.

By |2024-08-28T01:08:51+01:00August 28th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Attention All IPA Critics At Large – The IPA is growing in leaps and bounds because we always strive to be firm, fair, and consistent in judging all lifters. That is one major reason why lifters are moving from several other federations to the IPA. Based on my 72 years of existence, I have noticed that very successful individuals or organizations will have any number of critics and detractors for all the wrong reasons. Let it be known that all of our State Chairs have been hand selected based upon their years of experience and expertise. We have the utmost confidence in their ability and trust worthiness to run meets fairly and consistently, not perfectly! Videos do not always give the entire picture, especially if taken by an amateur. Anyone viewing a posting of a meet over the weekend should wait until Wednesday before making or sharing any remarks. You might find out that what you thought was noteworthy is not. Anyone can be an armchair quarterback or a backseat driver, but in order to provide meaningful comments, you need to be at the meet. Just because one lift might be somewhat questionable does not negate the entire meet as null and void. The IPA has a procedure for reviewing complaints of any kind, and it does not start on the internet. We have a great V.P. of State Chairs in William Lee. Be sure to give him specifics of what does not meet our IPA rules with the video. He along with our executive staff will review the lift in question. If the lift does not meet the rules, then it will go down as no lift. Best regards, Fred D. Fischer, IPA President

By |2023-09-18T16:10:14+01:00September 18th, 2023|Uncategorized|

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