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We are proud to announce that two “All-Time” World Records were recently broken in the bench press at the IPA Strength Spectacular held in York on June 26th and 27th. Rob Forell benched 930 lbs. in the 220 lb. class. Jimmy Kolb benched 1,120 in a single-ply shirt. It is the most weight benched in the history of powerlifting regardless of weight class. Jimmy lifted in the 308 lb. class.
Home/Uncategorized/We are proud to announce that two “All-Time” World Records were recently broken in the bench press at the IPA Strength Spectacular held in York on June 26th and 27th. Rob Forell benched 930 lbs. in the 220 lb. class. Jimmy Kolb benched 1,120 in a single-ply shirt. It is the most weight benched in the history of powerlifting regardless of weight class. Jimmy lifted in the 308 lb. class.
We are proud to announce that two “All-Time” World Records were recently broken in the bench press at the IPA Strength Spectacular held in York on June 26th and 27th. Rob Forell benched 930 lbs. in the 220 lb. class. Jimmy Kolb benched 1,120 in a single-ply shirt. It is the most weight benched in the history of powerlifting regardless of weight class. Jimmy lifted in the 308 lb. class.
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