Mark Chaillet

Mark Chaillet, IPA Chairman & CEO


This statement is in reference to a meet held July 11, 2015 in Aurora, Illinois by Corey Miceli. This meet received strong criticism from the powerlifting community on many levels relative to the quality and fairness of the judging to the legitimacy of the weigh-ins.  While Corey Miceli was the IPA Illinois State Chairman, the IPA Headquarters office did not receive the required sanction request for this meet, therefore, the meet is not considered a sanctioned event and results will not count toward records or any printed or online postings.

To receive an IPA sanction and to be recognized by the powerlifting community, meet directors are required to follow the Association’s protocol for requesting a sanction and for conducting the business of running a meet.  It is the responsibility of the State Chairman as an officer of the IPA to agree to follow the rules set forth in the IPA Rule Book to include, but not limited to: fair/quality judging (all judges must be current, certified IPA Judges), ensure a safe environment, have experienced and plentiful spotters and loaders, quality equipment that meets IPA standards, ensure that lifter gear is legal for the division, conduct drug testing for the Amateur Division, and ensure that weigh-ins follow protocol set forth in the Rule Book.  Importantly, all IPA World Record attempts MUST have a member of the Executive Committee or the State Chairman on the platform sitting as a judge for any records to count.

The IPA Executive Committee unanimously agrees that protocol was not met and the meet held on July 11, 2015 in Aurora, IL is not considered a sanctioned event.  It is an unfortunate situation for all involved, especially for the competitors. The IPA will issue a refund for any IPA membership cards purchased for this event.  We have released Corey Miceli from his responsibilities as the Illinois State Chairman.

Lastly, we at the IPA stand by this statement and hope the powerlifting community understands that we support our lifers 100%, but sometimes our efforts to ensure the integrity of the Association for the lifters as a whole can be unpleasant.  This wasn’t an easy decision for the Executive Committee.

I welcome any questions or comments regarding this matter.  Please contact me at

Thank you,

Mark Chaillet
IPA Chairman & CEO